What Makes A Man Lose Interest.....
Ever wondered what sport has, that you dont? Thats my next BLOG.... and its an eye-Opener!! |
I hear from hundreds of women each month who tell me some version of the following:
"It was going so great between us. He was calling me daily and saying how much he cared for me. We definitely had a connection. He even referred to having a future together. Suddenly, he just got cold and distant. He said he did not know why, but something just did not seem right. He said it was not my fault, it was him. Now he claims he is not sure about our relationship, and wants to take a break. I feel like I'm losing my mind - help!"
Can you relate to this woman? Even if this has not happened to you personally, it is terrifying to imagine the man you love suddenly acting stony and detached from you. Some women comfort themselves with the mistaken belief that this could not possibly happen to them.
Sadly, it happens all too frequently. No matter how beautiful, young looking, or charming a woman may be, a man can fall out of love with her. Don’t ever take a man's love for granted.
Here's the good news, you have the ability to arouse and also maintain a man’s passion for you by understanding exactly what he needs, as opposed to giving him what he thinks he wants.
During the first six months of a relationship, do you know what a man really needs? Take a guess. Do you believe it is passion, fun, or unlimited sex? Most men would admittedly like all three. However, passion, fun, or sex alone will not make a man to bond with you. What a man needs during the first few months of a relationship is for you to frustrate him.
By “frustrate” I am referring to setting limits on the time you spend with him. Do not allow him to spend as much time as he wishes with you. I understand it will be difficult, and it will not feel natural. What it will do is create tension. When it comes to dating, memorize this phrase, "Tension is your friend."
The women that maintain a hypnotic hold over men know this fact well. They do not consider it "game playing.” They have found this behavior to be effective in reaching their desired goal, which is to get married. These women are tired of dating, and they have had enough dates to realize that they do not need any additional practice. You can become like these women, if you choose.
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