Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Men; The age old dilemma!

Men fascinate me, excite me, frighten me and confuse me.  As a heterosexual female, I have made it my quest to de-mystify and close gap in understanding the way relationships work.... for both men and women.

Have you ever felt hurt and confused by the actions of your partner?  Have you ever felt that after investing time, money, consideration and priority to your partner, he simply walks away.... or runs!  Have you planned a beautiful romantic dinner only to find that he simply wants to get home to his own place and relax in front of the tv watching sport, rather than whisk you off in his arms filled with gratitude?  The questions are endless.
The ecstasy of quiet connection 

After many years of investigation and listening to the analysis and theories of experts far more educated than myself, I feel I am well equipped to take these highly complex situations and explain them to ordinary women so that the pain stops here!

Relationships that do not have to end, anger that does not need to be felt, damage that doesnt need to be done..... and the pain that permeates throughout your life into everything that you use to enjoy.... can end.

Id like to invite you to follow me on a journey of empowerment and understanding and by coming with me.... you too will find clues to mysteries that you wont need to spend your lifetime discovering by making all the mistakes that I and so many I have spoken with.... have made.

Take a look at the photo below and think about what you take from this.  This movie, Juno,  is one of my all time favorites as it reinforces the power of authenticity.  Do you think he's lying?  Do you think he is simply trying to make Juno feel better about herself, or cheer her up?  What is Juno looking for when she asks him that question; is it just reassurance.... or is it a quality in him that she's assessing?

The power of physical beauty is one of the most over-rated myths in the world today..... and I know you've heard that a hundred times from middle aged women's libers and terrified mum's...... but empower yourself now!  Sit and think it through for yourself!  In order for you to understand this, you must think it through for yourself..... and it begins with the question;

What do men fall in love with in a woman?  What do women fall in love with in a man?

To answer this, we need to peel away the skin of that great big onion..... Love!

By peeling away, I mean we need to look at what lies before it or beneath it.... and to do that requires contemplation and thought with an open mind, as well as learning how to understand the difference between what we think it means and what it actually means.

As an example, those two questions do not ask;
What do men find attractive about women or vice versa?

Physical attraction is important.... especially to a man.... but attraction and love are entirely different things.... and a man in love is overwhelmed by attraction...... not to the way a woman looks; but....

To the way a woman makes him feel!

Love is really about how you feel, more than how wonderful the other person actually is!

Id love you to ponder this and see how it changes the way you think about men, relationships and love.

See you soon,


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